HogTown - Full logo-1

About Our Chapter

Hello and welcome to the home of the Hogtown Crew, the Toronto, Ontario Canada Chapter of the Iron Order Motorcycle Club. The Iron Order MC was started by a few hardcore bikers in a garage. These bikers came from different backgrounds and walks of life. They had a desire to share brotherhood and socialize together as a group of men sharing a like mindset. That is how the IOMC was started and how it is today. This is the heritage of the IOMC. We refuse to be dictated to by anyone as to who or what we have as members.

We are an independent club that asks permission from no one. We Respect every other citizen and their right to make the choices of what club they belong to and what colors they wear and, without fear or apology, we demand that they give the same to us. We are a non-territorial club, and our Rocker and Patches simply indicate our geographical location. There is nothing we hold more sacred than our Brotherhood and family. Many other clubs talk about brotherhood, but we live it everyday!

Where Can We Park